Crore seedlings are to be planted in 10 years

Sq.Km increase in forest and tree cover in 10 years

Million tons projected additional carbon sink in forest and tree cover

Crore Seedlings to be planted in 2023-24

Geo-tagged Seedlings Summary for the Current Financial Year 2023-2024

Forest Department


Agriculture & Farmers welfare Department


Rural development & Panchayat Raj


Other Government Department




Plant A Tree


Coastal Resilience


Coastal habitats through the formation of bio-shields with Casuarina, Palmyrah, Cashew, Mangrove and other specialized species

The scheme "Rehabilitation of Coastal habitats through the formation of Bio- shields with Casuarina, Palmyrah, Cashew, Mangrove, restoration of sea grass and coral reefs" is being implemented under Green Tamil Nadu Mission from the year 2023-24 to 2025-26 in all coastal Districts of the State.

The scheme is funded by the Department of Environment and Climate Change with objective of forming the Bio-shield along coastal districts for prevention and mitigation of natural calamities such as cyclones, tsunami, coastal erosion, etc.

Trees and plants helps to regulate climate and reduce global warming

Increase forest cover from 23% to 33 %

Conserve soil and moisture for future

Trees provide numerous socio-economic benefits to the rural community

Trees are the best carbon capture technology in the world

More tree diversity.

Save trees

SDG-15.Trees and tree planting can help us as to live sustainably


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Nurseries Under GTM
Plantation Under GTM

Top Priorities

Forest land restoration and creation of additional carbon sink in the natural forest area.

Soil and Moisture Conservation works of various types for sediment retention and erosion control.

Forest Fire Protection and Disaster Management for reducing emissions from the Deforestation and Land degradation.

Formation and Maintenance of Central Nurseries in all Districts and tissue culture labs in 3 Research Centers of Forest Department.

Technology Integration for quality planting stock and for developing GIS based verifiable Reporting and Monitoring mechanism.

Capacity Building of the Officials and staff on advance nursery technology and GIS based monitoring mechanism.

Crore seedlings are to be planted in 10 years

Sq.Km increase in forest and tree cover in 10 years

Million tons projected additional carbon sink in forest and tree cover

Crore Seedlings to be planted in 2023-24

Our aim to achive 33% of forestcoverby 2031

aiming to plant in 1.35m hectares in TN by 2031

Any organisation or individual can volunteer

Latest technologies and tools


Green Tamil Nadu Mission Mission aims in increasing the state’s tree and forest cover from 23.69% to 33%.

73 lakhs seedlings have been raised and handed over to Department of Agriculture.

260 nurseries in 43 forest division throughout the State.

State Green Committee & District Green Committee for protection & management of trees.

Daily nursery activity update by the nursery incharges

For the smooth running of the mission, it is mandatory to monitor the nursery activities and evaluate them based on the feedback from the nursery in-charges. It will reduce the risk of seedling damages and help the department to make proactive decisions.
We have provided a mobile app to collect all the activities on a daily basis and that will help the division officers to track the plant status remotely.
The daily report images from one particular nursery can be selected and can review the nursery activities and plant growth so that the department can support the nurseries if they need any additional support or service.

  • Sowing Monitoring
  • Germination Monitoring
  • Bag filling Monitoring
  • Transplanting Monitoring
  • Plant Shifting Monitoring
  • Regular Watering

Frequent nursery inspection visit by department officials.

Our department officials: Conservator of Forest, District Forest Officer, Assistant Conservator of Forest and Forest Range Officer regularly inspect the forest nurseries across Tamil Nadu and report on our web plantation monitoring platform.
Regular inspection activities are carried out to address the seedling quality issues and to offer proactive actions to complete the mission without fail.
While the inspection activities, the officers check the following cases

  • Disease or pest incidence
  • Improper filling of containers
  • Delayed transplantation to the container
  • Weak seedlings
  • Seedling not lifted from the nursery
  • Nursery journal not maintained properly
  • weeds in container
  • Improper drainage in containers
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Insufficient seedling stocks


Working with communities

Community groups and NGOS are the early adopters of tree planting in the state. They have come together with the mission for encouraging everyone to plant trees. The communities will be encouraged to work out their carbon foot prints so that they can decide upon the number of trees to be planted.

Tree aware future

A generation of children with tree awareness is targeted under the mission. Every child will be encouraged to plant trees and care for it. The GTM nurseries will be open for schools and public so that they will be able to have a hands-on experience in raising seedlings. Every child needs to grow up with their tree and will pledge for its protection.

A mission going paperless

The stakeholders and staff with great amount of passion and dedication have been able to make the mission paperless. Since the mission being a massive one, reducing paper helps in saving large number of existing green cover in the country without affecting the progress of the Green TN mission.

A green campaign

Citizens are aware of the recent changes in the climate and wanted to be a part of the solution. The Green Tamil Nadu mission provides a platform for all those wanted to participate in solving the environmental crisis. The campaign will create a well-connected network of eco warriors across the Tamil Nadu state and abroad.

Growing a tree

Raising trees is popular, however handholding the farmers and provide better market linkage is of prime concern of the mission. Indigenous trees which protect the environment and provides for food, medicines etc will be promoted. Since this being a conservation-oriented, all supports to communities will be provided under the scheme.


All the government departments in the state are the stakeholders in the mission for achieving the planting targets.
Green Tamil Nadu Mission acts as an umbrella mission accounting all the planting undertaken by the various stakeholder like NGOs,Trust,Institutons, Industries etc. across the state.


Nursery Sowing Activity

Sowing is a process of planting seeds into the soil

Germination Activity

The seed germination includes the following steps: imbibition, respiration, effect of light, mobilization of reserves, growth regulators.


Periodic Activity

Watering activates should be carried out based on the sapling growth, bag size and the type of species.

Bag Filling

Manure makes a greater contribution to soil aggregation than composts. It is advisable to use organic manure with potting soil for better growth.


The seedlings left too long in bags becomes “pot bound”. A regular bag shifting is required for the better plant growth.


Germination takes place slowly and after a week or so of germination, the seedlings should be transplanted in nursery beds with required spacing.

Regular Watering

Over watering is as harmful as under-watering. Therefore, irrigation should be properly supervised and monitored

Plantation Site

The plantation site should be close to the source of continuous supply of good quality water for irrigation.